Sunday, October 16, 2011

AWBW Global League Review 10/16/11

Hello and welcome back to another thrilling episode of "AWBW Global League Review". The Global League has been holding steady between 145-155 players over the last two weeks, although I do expect that number to dip to about 120 over time. Our last review was on September 27th, and the updated standings since then have not seen a huge change. Eight of our previous ten are making another appearance in this week's Top 10, although the order has been rearranged somewhat. One notable drop is Kamuscha, who vacates his #1 spot in the league for the first time sine the league's inception due to real life business. However, he's not gone for good, and should he decide to return, his 1102.18 rating would still be enough to put him back at the top. And now for our top 10!

Global League "Terrifying" Ten

1. benbever - 1067.71, 3-1-0 (Last Review: 2)

Since our last review, benbever has gone 3-1 with a rating differential of +12, and has risen to the top spot courtesy of Kamuscha dropping out. One of the wins was a gift from tale, who resigned on day 1, while the other two were hard-fought victories over #11 77salamence. For the first victory on Coastal Conquest, ben used Sasha to counter Max's tank rush with clever artillery and mech play, and followed with an early tech-up to an MD tank. In the second game, on Atlas, benbever chose Sasha again. After getting off to a slow start against Hawke, he recovered quickly to pull off a decisive HQ capture. Unfortunately, there was no comeback in ben's game against black_wave. In a back and forth affair on Scorpion Operation, Max's vicious direct units eventually proved too much for Adder.

Ben has notable current games against Roswell the Black Rose (day 14) on Highway to Hell and a Sasha mirror against fdkanns (day 12) on Caustic Finale. Can he defend his number 1 spot for long?

2. fdkanns - 1064.67, 20-2-0 (Last Review: 3)

Since the last review, fdkanns has slowed down his game pace a bit, but has not slowed down on the win rate. He's gone 5-1-0 with a rating differential of +32. Last review I mentioned his game against ANT13, which wasn't going very well for him, and has since ended in only fdkanns' second loss of the league campaign. His other game that I mentioned, with the Weakest Xiaoniao, is still ongoing, although fdkanns has a heavy advantage. Fdkanns' current game with benbever could potentially decide which of the two of them can claim the top spot for the coming weeks, with only 3 points separating them in rating.

Fdkanns also has a current game against Roswell (day 17) and a rematch against 77salamence (day 13). A win against either of them would almost certainly catapult him into the top spot.

3. ANT13 - 1060.86, 23-4-6 (Last Review: 9)

ANT13 has moved up considerably in ranking since last time, jumping up 6 spots to claim the #3 position. With a 10-2-3 record and a rating increase of over 100 points since 9/27, he is now right on the heels of benbever and fdkanns in the race for the top spot. One of those 2 losses was handed to him by Roswell in an interesting game on Shangri-La, as ANT13's Sami lost the fight against Roswell's Von Bolt. With an upcoming SCOP and decent positioning on both fronts, you have to wonder if ANT13 resigned a little prematurely in that game. Most of ANT13's recent wins have come against competition outside of the top 20, although he did post a big win over a previous top 15 opponent, felix45, on Scorpion Operation.

It will be interesting to see whether ANT13 can hold on to his lofty rank for long however, with tough games against benbever (day 5), against #18 Black Mont-Blanc (day 15), and against Roswell (day 5) on his current game list. Currently he is on vacation, so don't expect any shifts in his rating soon.

4. Roswell the Black Rose - 1046.69, 25-8-9 (Last Review: 10)

Like ANT13, Roswell's ranking has been trending rapidly upward over the last two weeks, as he finds himself sitting 6 places higher in 4th. He has gone 9-0-2 during that span, and his rating has increased nearly 100 points. His aforementioned game with fdkanns is going very well for him, and it's not a stretch to imagine that Roswell may be able to crack the top 3 soon. His recent games have seen nothing but success, including two wins over 77salamence, one on Highway to Hell in a Lash/Hawke showdown and the other on A Questionable Strategy in a Jake mirror. Although his 8 league losses show that Roswell is certainly beatable, he is currently in quite good form, and will create problems for many players.

Currently he's focused on creating problems for Ultra Storm (day 8 ) and the Weakest Xiaoniao, in addition to his games against the top 3 of the league.

5. The Weakest Xiaoniao - 1039.37, 35-9-9 (Last Review: 5)

Despite a 3-1-2 record and a rating differential of +12, the Weakest Xiaoniao finds himself in the same position as last review, 5th. He is not very far off the pace of the top 4 competitors though, and could move up further with more positive results. His only noteworthy recent result was a win over 77salamence on Shadows Chase You Endlessly. In a Jake mirror match, Weakest played boldly and aggressively early, trading units in the center until a definitive strike on day 14 from which 77salamence could not recover.

Weakest's quest to move further up the standings will almost certainly not come easily, as he must face both benbever on Puyo~ (day 9) and fdkanns on nb4ds (day 12). However, he also has a Sasha vs. Eagle match against Chilin-ANT13, which he should win handily.

6. Chilin-77 - 1030.55, 21-3-1 (Last Review: Not Ranked)

Chilin-77 is technically new to the top 10, although he is the same person as 77salamence. I'm not sure how 77 has managed to play 25 league games with an alt account in addition to the 100+ on his main account, but it is pretty funny that his alt account is 5 spots higher than the main one (despite games like this one). The short story is that most of Chilin-77's games have come against incredibly easy competition from much further down in the rankings, allowing him to get many easy wins quickly. Much like his main account, Chilin-77 will take a major hit in rating and loss count as he begins to play competition closer to him in rating and skill.

7. Hellraider - 1030.16, 6-0-0 (Last Review: 4)

Hellraider has stayed perfectly constant since the last review, with no new games finished. However, his 1030 rating that was good enough for 4th a couple weeks ago is now only good enough for 7th in the league standings, a mere fraction of a point beyond Chilin-77 in 6th. Hellraider still counts himself among the ranks of the undefeated though, and none have come close to besting him so far. Until someone manages to prove that they can beat him, I still have Hellraider as my choice for the #1 spot eventually.

Hellraider has a continuing game against the Weakest Xiaoniao on Highway to Hell (day 12), which is currently stalled due to Weakest's vacation. He also has a game against fdkanns on A Questionable Strategy (day 4), which is moving at a similarly glacial pace. Unless Hellraider adds more games to his schedule, it is entirely likely that he will continue to slide down the rankings in the near future instead of moving up.

8. dorian5 - 1026.69, 11-0-0 (Last Review: 7)

Dorian5 has also been a victim of the increase in ratings amongst the top 10, as he slipped one spot despite going 2-0-0 and having a rating differential of nearly +40. Dorian is still undefeated in the league and has the largest win total of any undefeated player. If he continues his torrid pace and win streak much longer, it will be hard to count him out as one of the best players on the site. One of his two league wins in the last two weeks came over ANT13 in an impressively aggressive game on Soft Connection. Dorian struck early and often in the Sasha mirror game, keeping ANT13 on his back foot nearly the entire match, although it took until day 22 to finally put the matter to rest. His other win came against tale, which was funnily enough also a Sasha mirror on Soft Connection. This game did not last quite as long, as tale resigned on day 11.

Currently dorian is engaged in a Von Bolt vs. Javier rematch versus ANT13 on Shangri-La. He is also playing a Sasha vs. Von Bolt match in a battle of undefeated players against walkerboh01 (day 9) on City of Storms - Floods.

9. walkerboh01 - 1011.64, 10-0-0 (Last Review: 6)

Similar to Hellraider and dorian5, Walker has moved backwards in the rankings despite a 1-0-0 record and a rating differential of +20 since last review. In his lone win over greed is good, Walker pulled off somewhat of a comeback in the Jake mirror, using Jake's SCOP to strike the decisive blow on day 15.

In addition to his battle of the undefeated's against dorian5, Walker also has tough matches in progress against 2 other ranked opponents. He is playing Roswell on Aerial Aced (day 9) and the Weakest Xiaoniao on Renewal (day 11). It is quite unlikely that he will remain undefeated for long.

10. black_wave - 1011.32, 46-18-9 (Last Review: 14)

Claiming the final spot in the top ten is black_wave, who reenters after slipping down to 14th place for last review. His reentrance to the top 10 comes courtesy of a 22-5-4 run with a rating differential of +97. However of those 31 completed games, 7 of them have come against 1000rpm due to a bug that paired them together in multiple matches. Black_wave has gone 5-2 in those matches with 1000rpm, who is actually quite a good player (currently 2-9 though). Black_wave's biggest win was the aforementioned victory versus benbever, and most of the others were not against elite competition. It is also notable that he has drawn several games against other top Chinese players, including vs. the Weakest Xiaoniao and vs. Roswell.

Currently black_wave has big games against Ultra Storm (day 3) in a Max mirror on City of Storms - Floods and against #42 excrimophalus (day 11), a top player with a low game count. Games against Black Mont-Blanc, ANT13, and the Weakest Xiaoniao will also stand in the way of black_wave holding his top 10 spot over the next few weeks.

Dropping Out
Kamuscha - Dropped from 1st place to out of the league. Record since last review: 1-0-0.
77salamence - Dropped from 8th place to 11th place. Record since last review: 19-14-2.

Almost There!
11. 77salamence - 994.40, 60-35-6
12. Ultra Storm - 986.01, 6-0-0
13. Ancient Paradise - 962.96, 8-0-0
14. japanj - 953.14, 6-0-0
15. TGAL05 - 944.51, 7-0-1

By the Numbers
8 - Undefeated players with at least 5 wins. They are (in order of rank): #7 Hellraider (6-0-0), #8 dorian5 (11-0-0), #9 walkerboh01 (10-0-0), #12 Ultra Storm (6-0-0), #13 Ancient Paradise (8-0-0), #14 japanj (6-0-0), #15 TGAL05 (7-0-1), and #23 dav2003169 (5-0-0).
5 - Chinese players in the top 10, showing the current Chinese domination of the league.
147 - Players in the Global League as of today; 94 are over 800, 16 are at 800, and 37 are below 800.
24 - Players who are over 900.
833.19 - The average rating of active players in the league. This is indicative of the inflation in the league rankings caused by players dropping out of the league (if no players ever dropped, the league average rating would always be 800.00).


In other news, I would just like to announce that signups for Colosseum Season 6 are currently open until November. For information about the Colosseum and how to sign up, click here.

Until next time,

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